DC - Jenny
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Nájdených 15 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 15)
Cena vrátane DPH
BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE #5 (OF 6) CVR B JENNY FRISON VARThe penultimate issue of the acclaimed return to Batman Black & White is here with a look at some of Gotham City’s most twisted and compelling souls. Superstar Batman artist Jorge Jimenez writes and illustrates a story starring Bruce and Damian Wayne as they try to prepare for a sting operation as B... |
0,99 € |
"DC Poster Portfolio: Jenny Frison" ("Frison Jenny")"Jenny Frison's incredible and moving art is collected in this beautiful poster portfolio! Known for her beautiful and moving art, Jenny Frison is an artist that has rightfully made a name for herself in comics. From Wonder Woman to Catwoman, this poster portfolio collects some of Jenny Frison's mo... |
22,80 € |
Wild Storm 1 - Warren Ellis, DC ComicsNew York Times best-selling writer Warren Ellis (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, RED, THE AUTHORITY) returns to DC to curate Jim Lee's WildStorm world, resetting the WildStorm universe with new iterations of Grifter, Voodoo, the Engineer, Jenny Sparks and more! Everyone is looking up. A man has been thrown from ... |
13,25 € |
DC Comics DC Poster Portfolio: Jenny FrisonNeuveriteľné a dojímavé umenie Jenny Frisonovej je zozbierané v tomto krásnom portfóliu plagátov! Jenny Frisonová, známa svojím krásnymi a dojímavými kresbami, je umelkyňa, ktorá si v komiksoch právom vybudovala svoje meno. Toto portfólio plagátov zhromažďuje niektoré z najikonickejších prác Jenny ... |
25,21 € |
DC Comics DC Poster Portfolio: Jenny FrisonKnown for her beautiful and moving art, Jenny Frison is an artist that has rightfully made a name for herself in comics. From Wonder Woman to Catwoman, this poster portfolio collects some of Jenny Frison s most iconic works as posters. |
22,91 € |
RORSCHACH #10 (OF 12) CVR B JENNY FRISON VARWho would have benefited from the assassination of a presidential candidate? Rorschach and Laura didn’t operate in a vacuum. Their actions touched a lot of different people. In his continued efforts to unravel how the pair got from their stark beginnings to almost killing Governor Turley and deraili... |
0,99 € |
Wonder Woman 5: Srdce Amazonky (ZZ)Je tou největší válečnicí, jakou kdy svět spatřil – strážkyně míru a spravedlnosti s mocí bohyně. Ale i Diana z Themysciry, superhrdinka lépe známá jako Wonder Woman, má nárok na chvilku oddechu. A po neuvěřitelných zkouškách, které právě přestála, si ji zaslouží.Ale když se spolu s nejlepší přítelk... |
4,99 € |
OverruledEmma Chase, "New York Times" bestselling author of the Tangled series, returns with the first installment of the Legal Briefs series! A Washington, DC, defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don't call him the Jury Charmer for not... |
14,80 € |
The Wild Storm (Volume 1) - Warren Ellis, Jon Davis-Hunt (ilustrácie)New York Times best-selling writer Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, Red, The Authority) returns to DC to curate Jim Lee's WildStorm world, resetting the WildStorm universe with new iterations of Grifter, Voodoo, the Engineer, Jenny Sparks and more! Everyone is looking up. A man has been thrown from ... |
12,56 € |
Wonder Woman 8: Temní bohové (ZZ)KDYŽ BOHOVÉ VÁLČÍ!Nová horda smrtonosných božstev se vydala na pochod a zanechává za sebou napříč vesmírem stopu zkázy a zmaru. Jsou to Temní bohové, zrození z ohně Temného mnohovesmíru. Jsou na cestě k Zemi, kde se před nimi budou muset všichni sklonit... nebo zemřít.Ale pouze za předpokladu, že se... |
4,99 € |
Wonder Woman 7: Útok na Amazonky (ZZ)DIANA SE UTKÁ S DARKSEIDEM O OSUD THEMYSCIRY! Darkseid lační po moci. Sesazený hrůzovládce Apokolipsu touží vyrvat svůj trůn z rukou svářících se sil, které nyní jeho světu vládnou... ale po tom všem, čím si v poslední době prošel, nemá ještě dost sil, aby srazil Apokolips na kolena. Moc, po které D... |
9,99 € |
OverruledEmma Chase, "New York Times" bestselling author of the Tangled series, returns with the first installment of the Legal Briefs series! A Washington, DC, defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don't call him the Jury Charmer for not... |
14,80 € |
Wonder Woman 6: Děti bohů (ZZ)DLOUHO ZTRACENÝ PRINC THEMYSCIRY! Až donedávna neměla Wonder Woman nejmenší tušení, že má bratra dvojče, který byl uprostřed noci odnesen z Themysciry. Záhadný Iásón, jediný muž kdy narozený na ostrově, byl ukryt na místě daleko od zraků bohů i lidí... ale jeho život a život Wonder Woman se co nevid... |
4,99 € |
DC Designer Series Socha Wonder Woman by Jenny Frison 39 cmThe DC Designer Series statue line is born from the imaginative vision of the comics industry's top artists. This statue, taken from a celebrated, Jenny Frison-illustrated cover from the Rebirth era of the Wonder Woman comics series, takes Frison's vision and expands it into three dimensions for a s... |
145,66 € |
Wild Storm 1 (Warren Ellis)New York Times best-selling writer Warren Ellis (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, RED, THE AUTHORITY) returns to DC to curate Jim Lee's WildStorm world, resetting the WildStorm universe with new iterations of Grifter, Voodoo, the Engineer, Jenny Sparks and more! Everyone is looking up. A man has been thrown from ... |
12,81 € |
Nájdených 15 výsledkov |